“we ask justice , we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens.”
Women now-a-days are being objectified and aren’t treated as a one fellow human being. It is not now but for many years and generations this kind of treating women in a bad state is being followed as a stereotype and also being worshipped by certain brainless cold-hearted souls out there. Do they have their freedom ? even though the fight or even they get it . Everything here is being titled sold at better rates but not able to use it to the extent.
Everything here is a best example of violation . Speaking of violation i would like talk a little more about the freedom of speech that we have . Do anyone know about it ? Are we aware of our basic rights ? I guess it is a big NO, for many but not all aren't aware of their rights . So the power lacks within ourselves.
Power in this pace has many meaning and it changes according to the scenario . We do backlag here. Not everyone one is allowed to voice their opinion : this reminds us the article 19(1)(a) freedom of speech. Here is the two point from the constitution of India -freedom of speech and expression :
- This right is, however, not absolute and it allows Government to frame laws to impose reasonable restrictions in the interest of sovereignty and integrity of India, security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency and morality and contempt of court, defamation and incitement to an offence.
- This restriction on the freedom of speech of any citizen may be imposed as much by an action of the State as by its inaction. Thus, failure on the part of the State to guarantee to all its citizens the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression would also constitute a violation of Article 19(1)(a).
This two points here supports our topic that we are about to discuss.
This pandemic was one of the fine situation that helped to bring out many hidden happenings . domestic violence was the first thing that was spoke by many . The hardship faced by women in the male dominant society was highlighted and many heart-broking videos went viral on instagram . The audience too reacted to all those videos and shared it maximum helped reaching out more. One of the example is Hathras case, which was heart-breaking and created a trauma in the minds of the audience.
Here I've stated on example which was in lime light for days after it actually happened. There are many other women, girl child who didn't get the right justice. Still even after they are parted from this sin world . Blame game comes out when we strive for justice but at the end , the poor soul who lost life is pushed to face criticisms and struggle.
I'd like to conclude here , as it is vast topic to be discussed and I promise to share an another interesting article about the same topic .