ESSENTIALS OF BROADCAST JOURNALISMNews-casting is quite possibly the most sought-after callings among current media and diversion vocations and all things considered. The…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
SHOPPING HUB OF THE CHENNAI- SOWCARPETSowcarpet is a vast town in Chennai that is located at the starting point of Chennai, which is near the central railway station. This…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
How to know more about being globalized!Let us all get to know about a known and an unknown concept called global media. This is a familiarised concept that talks about the mass…Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
How far are you good at preserving memories?Memories are something which is to be cherished life long till our last breath. I’m kinda a memory person. I always love to reminisce…Mar 18, 2021Mar 18, 2021
Apne andar chhupe dar ko mitana chahte ho na?Life is all about chances, memories, moments, meeting people, and many more. Running amongst their bus scheduled life, the three friends…Mar 17, 2021Mar 17, 2021
“Sacrifice of manual scavengers makes this World survive”, says ace photographer Palani Kumar“Capturing the life and the struggle of poor people through my lens helps me to get motivated,” says ace photographer Palani Kumar. Also a…Mar 17, 2021Mar 17, 2021
“Keeping up with my promises is my all-time virtue,” — says the queen of Bollywood.Starting the career with a strong determination & willpower to stand as an emblem today to the Indian cinema, Deepika Padukone has always…Mar 17, 2021Mar 17, 2021
THE GRANDEUR OF THANJAVUR PAINTINGSThe grandeur of the Thanjavur paintings always has a majestic appeal and attracts its seekers.Mar 16, 2021Mar 16, 2021
The sinking tale of the unsung warriors!Ever since this world was created, we’ve been given the basic necessities and the requirements. It’s not only the basic needs but also the…Feb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021
Eat or get eaten up and decide your fate — Aravind adiga!There is something special about the rare and extinct things in this world. It is celebrated as a wonder when it is found and made to be…Feb 2, 2021Feb 2, 2021